Image footprints from drawings or QR code in KiCad
Another FB conversation worth capturing the gist. No Arduino content. My hand-wired prototype circuits get knocked around, and I made a couple of them into printed circuit boards (PCBs) for sturdiness. They're one-offs, but maybe I'll want to make a couple more some day. So I want to decorate them with images from photos or a QR code. A chip on a board design has at least four representations. a line drawing showing all the pins, to be used as a symbol for the part in the electrical schematic drawing. a graphical "footprint" drawing showing the features it will need the PCB to provide. There's a soldering "pad" for each pin, and their geometric arrangement, and maybe some paint marks for orienting the part the right way around. a "3D model" description so you can build a mechanical model of the assembled board. various electrical and logical models for simulating the behavior of the board. I'm using KiCad, which includes EEschema ...